The fat-soluble vitamin D has crucial part in various body functions. It’s known that it helps build and maintain strong bones, together with calcium in the body. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, this vitamin is also included in the regulation of cells and the immune system, so it can help protect our body from cancer.
Vitamin D is probably the most important nutrient when it comes to bone health and the immune system.
Besides preserving the immune system and bone health, proper intake of vitamin D is believed to prevent many serious health problems.
A lack of vitamin D is best known for causing rickets (brittle bones) in young children, a condition when the tissue of the bone doesn’t fortify or mineralize. That condition often leads to skeletal deformities and fragile bones, frequently coinciding with increased risk of injury. Still, a recent research uncovered the link between the vitamin D deficiency and a host of other health issues.
However, it’s a misconception to believe that vitamin D deficiency only affects your bone health. Namely, one study found that this vital vitamin can also prevent hypertension, type 1 and 2 diabetes, as well as multiple sclerosis (MS).
Keep your overall health in good condition by knowing these 7 warning signs of vitamin D deficiency:
Weak and Painful Muscles
Muscle contraction is improved when vitamin D is metabolized and therefore if a body lacks this vitamin, it leads to weak and painful muscles. This symptom can be mild and severe also. In the beginning, the symptoms occur from time to time, but as the deficiency of vitamin D continues, the symptoms become more and more severe.
Immune System Malfunction
When the vitamin D levels drop, the immune system may face strong instability. The immune cells feed on this vitamin, so anything less than needed causes serious immunity imbalance.
One study, conducted in Japan and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, involved schoolchildren in two groups- one group consumed vitamin D supplements and the other group didn’t.
The first group was more resistant to flu strain influenza, unlike the second group which was more subjected to it. A second study proved that low levels of vitamin D were found in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases.
Reduced levels of vitamin D directly affect the immune system. Immune cells contain high amount of vitamin D receptors, and this area of the body demands proper vitamin D supplementation. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published a Japanese study which shows that the group of schoolchildren who received vitamin D supplements had reduced cases of flu strain influenza, as oppose to the group which didn’t get supplements.
Another study shows that people with autoimmune disease had low levels of this vitamin.
High Blood Pressure
Hypertension is another sign of vitamin D deficiency. Indeed, this vitamin is beneficial for impeding the formation of a peptide enzyme. This enzyme increases the pressure in the blood through arterial restriction and water retention. Consequently, low levels of vitamin D lead to high blood pressure.
Depression or Mood Swings
A number of studies have found a link between low vitamin D levels and mood swings. In fact, vitamin D is closely linked to the seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression associated with late autumn and winter caused by a lack of light.
This changes vitamin D3 levels in the body and requires proper supplementation. Convention treatments of SAD include vitamin D3 supplements.
Aside from reducing mood swings, vitamin D supplementation also reduced other SAD symptoms including food craving, lethargy, hypersomnia, and sleep disturbances.
Gut Problems
Certain gastrointestinal conditions can affect the vitamin D absorption. Those with celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease and other conditions, are more prone to a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency due to these interactions. Moreover, those with high amounts of body fat are more disposed to vitamin D deficiency as fat dilutes the vitamin and reduces its physiological effects.
People with improper vitamin D levels have tendency to sweat more. We can’t say why exactly this happens, since the only thing medical experts know is the strong connection between low vitamin D levels and extreme sweating, particularly around the forehead.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Vitamin D deficiency has been repeatedly linked to heart disease. Medical experts claim that low vitamin D levels increase the calcium levels in the arteries thus triggering heart problems. What happens is the calcium clogs the arterial walls leading to a heart failure or a stroke.
Other serious conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity, have also been linked to vitamin D deficiency.
Sources of Vitamin D
Now that we have discussed the 7 symptoms that are associated with vitamin D deficiency, we will list some common sources of the nutrient. Make sure to get the recommended daily amount of vitamin D every day.
– Orange Juice (Vitamin D fortified)
– Sunlight
– Fortified Plant-Based Milks
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